Truffles and Button Mushrooms
Truffles and Button Mushrooms
A ready-made meal of truffles and button mushrooms. This interesting combination will find its place on your plate as an addition to gnocchi, ravioli or any other pasta sauce.
Truffles and Porcini
Truffles and Porcini
A ready-made meal of truffles and porcini mushrooms. It is recommended as an addition to pastas and meat dishes and as a spread in combination with fresh homemade cheese.
Truffles and Olives
Truffles and Olives
A ready-made meal of truffles and black olives. It serves as a tapenade – a spread for canapés and as a sauce in various Mediterranean recipes.
Dried Porcini
Dried Porcini
A few bits of this dried delicacy will enrich your every meal. They are great in risottos and meat specialties.



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